Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dental Floss

I couldn't resist today's title . . . I was stitching while waiting for my son at the dentist. Now that my children are not little, and needing constant supervision, I enjoy waiting time in dental and doctor offices. It gives me a chance to take a few stitches, knit a row, or read a chapter.

Today I worked on Drawn Thread's Spring, a piece that I think is out of print, because I checked on the Drawn Thread website and it isn't there. I was looking for corrections, because I had stitched the entire tree trunk in DMC 738, a very light tan, merrily stitching along and following what I thought the chart said. Then I realized that it looked nothing like any tree trunk I had ever seen, also there was one darker, brown color that hadn't been used, and whose symbol didn't seem to show up anywhere on the chart. So in the dentist's waiting room, after reading about what Brittany, Brooke, and Tom and his lady are up to, I unpicked out the light tan tree trunk. Then (no cavities for my son!), we drove to pick up my daughter from work. Being about ten minutes early, we put down the windows, listened to the birds, and my son played Sudoku on my iPaq while I started the new, brown tree trunk. It looks much better!

By the way, I started stitching on Spring in the springtime of 1996, when my now-10-year-old daughter was a newborn. I have more stitching time now than when she was a newborn! I've been pulling out UFO's and finishing them up, little by little. It feels good. I've toyed with the idea of putting all of my UFO's in one basket (if they would fit) instead of the way I now have them, which is with the other pieces of that same designer. Or making a (very long) list of them, so I can see progress by crossing them out on the list. I tend to be a little obsessive about lists, making lists of things to do, when just doing the thing might be faster than writing it all down. Listing my UFO's would take away from stitching time. However, it could also count as "playing" with my stash, which is a fun thing to do when my eyes might be too tired to stitch. We'll see.

Here is my most recent finish. I actually started and completed this in the same calendar year! I really enjoyed stitching it, and after I got used to working on the dark fabric, it wasn't hard.


Carol said...

Hi Joyce - found you!! Great start to your blog! I hope to be at Sue's on Friday around 1 ish.... I have a client to see at noon in Haverhill, MA - may be more like 1:30 when I get to Bedford, as I hope to have a paycheck with which to run to the bank first :-) That always helps when going to Sue's!

Kucki68 said...

Winter looks very lovely!

Annemarie said...

Ah, another blogging kindred spirit: stitching, knitting, AND making lists. I'm going to enjoy your online journal, that's for sure.

Lelia said...

Good going on the WIP stack! I've been digging around the closet too, looking to finish up some forgotten projects.

catandturtle said...

Hi Joyce, I am so glad you started a blog, very cool. It was so fun to read and I love the Drawn Thread Spring project. I can't wait to read more.

Susimac said...

Welcome to blogging. Your DT -Spring is lovely, I will enjoy watching your progress with it.

Skye said...

Hi Joyce..I was so surprised by your visit to my blog and I thank you so much for the wonderful words. I love your blog as well..I especially enjoyed reading about your stitching adventure and your Christmas piece is wonderful. Thank you and I'm so glad that we have another place to share. hugs, skye

Skye said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I sent you that quiz regarding the faerie, so if you don't get it email me..

I love the icon your friend "carol" has left. Very neat!!

So glad to be seeing you around again..I've missed you..hugs

Unknown said...

Love your latest finish Joyce = who is it by? Hmm that's quite a neat idea to put all the UFO's in one basket and then see how that basket would get smaller (hmm perhaps it might get larger though!) as each one is finished. I might just do that myself.